रक्ताम्बरो रक्तवपुः किरीटी चतुर्भुजो मेषगतो गदाभृत् । धरासुतः शक्तिधरश्च शूली सदायमस्मद् वरदः प्रसन्नः ।।
Sun, Moon, JupiterEnemies
Saturn, VenusMooltrikona
Aries 00-120Lord
Aries, ScorpioExaltation
Capricorn 280Debilitation
Cancer 280Kalas
Red red, GarnetluckyColors
Deep redGanapati, Hanuman, Subramanya, Shanmukha Kartikeya
Copper, wheat, ghee, red cloth, flower, sandal wood, dal masoor.(On Tuesday, within 48 min. before Sunset.)
Medium built and height, irasible, lean, cruel, fickle minded
Copper, wheat, ghee, red cloth, flower, sandal wood, dal masoor.(On Tuesday, within 48 min. before Sunset.)
Bile hands, eyes, rectum, blood
Cuts, wound, soar eyes, boils, burns, B.P., piles, tumoures, jaundice, fractures, oozing blood, itches
Stamina, dhatus
A martial planet, barren, dictatorship, planet of action and expansion