Warning: The Constant Challenges in Your Life Could be a sign of Kaal Sarpa Dosha

10 common signs of Kaal Sarpa Dosha being present in your life-

  • Do you face frequent obstacles, instability, lack of recognition, and career breaks?
  • Do you often deal with financial instability, trouble managing debts, or unexpected expenses?
  • Do you have recurring or long-term health issues that are difficult to diagnose or treat?
  • Do you often meet with accidents?
  • Are you experiencing high stress levels, anxiety, or depression without any apparent reason?
  • Do you have low self-esteem?
  • Are frequent misunderstandings and conflicts a constant part of your relationships?
  • Do you find it difficult to find a suitable life partner?
  • Do you struggle with trust issues, isolation, or frequent misunderstandings?
  • Are you dealing with a lack of inner peace, disturbed sleep, or karmic burdens?
  • Are you facing unexpected failures, unforeseen delays, or feeling stuck?
Check if you have Kaal-Sarpa Dosha or not

What is a Kaal Sarp Dosha?

Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed when all the other planets in the birth chart are placed between Rahu and Ketu, the two-node planets that are the most dreaded in Vedic Astrology.

Depending on the position and the pattern of the sandwiched planets, there are 12 different types of Kaal Sarpa Dosha that are Anant', 'Kulik', 'Vasuki', 'Shankhpal', 'Padma', 'Mahapadma', 'Takshak', 'Karkotak', 'Shankhchoor', 'Ghatak', 'Vishdhar', and 'Sheshnaag'. Each type of Kaal Sarp Dosha has its own kind of influence on your life.

kal sarpa dosh

Generally people believe that Kaal Sarpa Dosha is a life-long prison of hardships, delays and pain.

But that’s not true...

You can Break Free From Kaal Sarpa Dosha and Remove It’s Negative Effects By Performing A Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivaran Pooja

Do Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivaran Pooja With Us On Naag Panchami

Within 21 days after doing this pooja with us you can become healthy, move forward in your career, improve your relationships and see positive changes in your life.

The slots are filling up fast every minute Join Us In This Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Pooja Today

We normally charge ₹21,000/- for this pooja But if you book your slot now, you only pay ₹11,000/-

Naag Panchami is an auspicious occasion and a perfect day to perform Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja

As Rahu and Ketu are the head and tail of snake energy respectively, this day becomes the perfect opportunity to appease them.

Once you appease these shadow planets, their malefic effect on your life begins to reduce.

Since this day only comes once a year, you won’t want to miss this chance to perform this pooja.

Why Should You Perform This Pooja With Vedic Rishi

The Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja and the steps in it are important. But who performs the pooja is also important. You need your faith. A complete process and a lead of an honest team of Pandits to have a successful Completion of Kaal Sarpadosh Pooja- Something that you only find at Vedic Rishi

Our expert astrologers and priests at Vedic Rishi will guide you through the sacred rituals of the Kaal Sarp Dosha Pooja. With deep reverence and precision, they will perform intricate ceremonies, recite powerful mantras, and invoke divine blessings to alleviate the malefic influence of Kaal Sarp Dosha. Each step of the Pooja holds profound significance, connecting you to ancient traditions and spiritual energies. And with us, you can be assured that we will perform each step with complete devotion and authenticity.


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

kal sarpa dosh

Pooja Samagri Required For Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

  • 1
    Parad Shivling
  • 2
    Silver Naag x 2
  • 3
    24-Carat gold plated Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivaran Yantras x 2
  • 4
    24-Carat gold plated Lakshmi-Ganesh Yantra
  • 5
    24-Carat gold plated Rahu Yantra
  • 6
    24-Carat gold plated Ketu Yantra
  • 7
    11 conch (Kaudi)

All these pooja samagri should be authentic.

The exact quality and quantity of these samagri would cost you up to INR 10,500/-

But when you book your Kaal Sarpa Dosha pooja with us, We will arrange all the Pooja Samagri for you.

All cost of these samagri is included in the Pooja Fees.

The Pooja will take 2 hours. After those 2 hours, you will feel a great sense of calm and satisfaction as the shadow of Kaal Sarpa Dosha will start to fade from your life.

Come, do Kaal Sarp Dosha Pooja with us


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

Remove the Negative Effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha


Reduce Your Life’s Obstacles With Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja

Let’s See How Doing Kaal Sarp Dosha Pooja Helps You Improve Your Life

  • check

    Remove unwanted obstacles in your life

  • check

    See real personal growth and development

  • check

    Have strong faith in yourself

  • check

    Pick up the pace of life and create new happiness for you

Effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha Pooja On Your Health

Before Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

A lot of sick days and weakness

After Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

You start to look after your health better and begin to feel revitalized

Effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha Pooja On Your Career

Before Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

Obstacles, lethargy, and lack of motivation in career progression

After Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

You take confident, motivated action that leads you to swift career progression

Effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha Pooja On Your Marriage and Other Relationships

Before Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

Conflict and loss of connection

After Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

With inspired action, you start to work on your compatibility and as a result, your chemistry boosts.

Effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha Pooja On Your Mind and Mental Health

Before Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

Suffering from anxiety and nightmares

After Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja

Calmed mind and reduce in the frequency of the nightmares.

Give yourself a chance to live a life without disturbances, and differences

Indeed, Kaal Sarpa Dosha brings its own hardships and pain…

But you don’t have to keep fighting against this Dosha and live a life of delay and disappointments.

Because there is a way out for you: Do Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja With Vedic Rishi

Perform this pooja with us and break free from all the hardships in your life.


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

What Happens When You Have A Kaal Sarpa Dosha?

Generally, it is believed that this dosha causes disaster in all aspects of life. However, this is not always the case. Although it may cause unwanted difficulty. Depending on its type, the Kaal Sarp Dosha affects your health, fortune, career, profession, love, marriage, children, and many other events.

This is just a brief of how different types of Kaal Sarp Doshas affect your life

Type Of Kaal Sarpa DoshaArea Of Effects Of Kaal Sarpa Dosha On Your Life
Anant Kaal Sarpa Dosha

If you have Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in your Kundali, then you have to struggle for a long time before you become successful. The Anant Kaalsarp dosh will likely test your patience by introducing you to constant obstacles and challenges.

Due to this dosha, you may face problems in all aspects of your life, but if you don't lose hope, you will find success later.

Kulik Kaal Sarpa Dosha

If Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosha is formed in your Kundali, then you may have to face economic losses, humiliation, debt, and various other obstacles related to finances and social life.

However, when it comes to married life, everything remains more or less normal for you. In terms of health, ageing may pick up pace from time to time. So, you must take good care of yourself.

Vasuki Kaal Sarpa Dosha

If you have Vasuki Kaalsarp dosha, keep in mind that this dosha not only hampers your life but also the lives of those around you. You have to face the fact that your family members may cheat on you.

There will likely be a lack of peace in the family, and the peace will further shatter with inflating economic problems as the Vasuki Kaalsarp dosh continues.

However, the good thing is that you will have economic success as you continue to put in the hard work and the right efforts.

Shankhpal Kaal Sarpa Dosha

The formation of this yoga signifies financial hardship, disease, and disorder in your life. Hence, the happiness in your family will take frequent dips. This may further hamper elements such as chemistry and compatibility with your partner, children’s education, and more.

If you are still young, then you may not be able to make the right choices, due to which you may find it difficult to settle early in life.

The people of this yoga have to face difficulties related to land and property, thus if you have this yoga then any such deals must be done after proper scrutiny.

Padma Kaal Sarpa Dosha

This dosh is especially harmful to you if you are a student as you may lose concentration in your studies and indulge in detrimental deeds.

If your child may have this dosha then you must keep an eye on them during their study period. You also need to ensure you help your child make the right choices in education or it will simply cost you and them a loss of money and time.

If you are grown-ups and are no longer a student then this dosh may hamper your progress in your career. Also, your health should be a priority.

Mahapadma Kaal Sarpa Dosha

Although Kaalsarp doshas are known for their ill consequences when Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosh is active in your birth chart, you are quite lucky as you will be able to win over all your enemies with ease.

There is an enhancement in wisdom and a thrust of will to do something worthwhile and big in life. However, as the dosh period continues, you might lose your patience and peace of mind and may make thoughtless choices. In the dosh period, you might earn profit from business from abroad.

Takshak Kaal Sarpa Dosha

If this dosh is active in your kundali, then you may have to face a delay in marriage. The marriage delay may become the reason for tension and stress for your parents too. If married, there may be disturbances due to the nature of the in-laws.

There may also arise situations when you might think of divorce. Also, the ones dealing with Kaalsarp dosh must not consider love marriage during the dosh period. Doing so will hamper the love you share after marriage, and you will have to put extra effort to make things work.

Karkotak Kaal Sarpa Dosha

The Karkotak Kaalsarp dosh is responsible for causing hindrance in acquiring a fortune. The dosh may also hamper career progress as you may witness several hindrances in acquiring a job and getting a well-deserved promotion.

If you are dealing with Karkotak Kaalsarp dosh then you may also acquire the habit of speaking the truth. This may seem like a good thing, but this habit may bar you from acquiring good deals for yourself.

Shankhchoor Kaal Sarpa Dosha

The good thing about this dosh is that your desires are usually fulfilled. However, the bad thing is that there may be a delay in fulfilling such desires, which may leave you frustrated. In your family and home, there may be a lot of pain and suffering.

Ghatak Kaal Sarpa Dosha

When you have this dosha in kundli, it is highly recommended that you serve your mother, take care of her and never cause her any harm. This will help in bettering your life conditions. However, it has been noticed that in return, you may not get the same kind of affection from your mother.

Due to Ghatak Kaalsarp dosh, you may become arrogant even if you do not have anything to be proud of. Your ego is at the top of your head, which may hamper not only your personal but your professional bondings too.

Vishdhar Kaal Sarpa Dosha

This dosha is fatal if you want to acquire higher education as there will be a lot of obstacles for you. However, despite all odds, their patience and commitment will help you in moving forward.

You will do better in your professional life if you pursue a career from abroad than in your own country as your fortune trends in foreign countries.

In the family, you may have to suffer from property loss and inheritance.

Sheshnaag Kaal Sarpa Dosha

If you are born with this yoga, then all your desires are always fulfilled. However, it may take some time and you have to remain a little patient.

You may also develop a habit of spending more than your income. This is why you may usually find yourself in debt.

With hard work, patience, and dedication, you might find yourself in a prestigious place in society.

Note: You have to know that this is just general information about the different Kaal Sarpa Doshas. You can know better about the overall effects of it by looking at the other planetary positions and patterns in your birth chart.

How to find out if you have Kaal Sarpa Dosha and need to do Kaal Sarpadosha Shanti Pooja?

Use Kaal Sarp Dosh calculator by Vedic Rishi and get all these details about Kaal Sarpa Dosha on the tip of your fingers.

It is simple, gives 100% accurate details, and takes only a minute.

If you find out that you have Kaal Sarp Dosha in your birth chart, then you need not worry.

You can perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Pooja with us and mitigate its effects easily


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

Kaal Sarpa Dosha may bring many unwanted hurdles, problems, and delays.

But that is not the end of your life and that definitely does not mean that you can’t make anything good out of your life.

No matter how strong your Kaal Sarpa Dosha may be, you will finally triumph over adversity with your faith, hard work, and persistence.

And this Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja is just a helping hand to your belief and patience

Perform this pooja with us and remove all hardships of Kaal Sarp Dosha from your life.


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

On 9th August, the day of Naag Panchami, we are performing this pooja for our Vedic Rishi Family across the world. You too can book your slot and participate in it.

Come Let’s Be Free From Your Kaal Sarp Dosha

So, you can start living your best life

We normally charge ₹21,000/- for this pooja But if you book your slot now, you only pay ₹11,000/-

We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

See Why Our Past Participants Have So Much Faith In Us

After years of financial struggle and relationship challenges, I found out that I had Kaal Sarp Dosha. So, I decided to do Kaal Sarpa Dosha Pooja with Vedic Rishi. The transformation in my life has been truly remarkable. Within months of performing the rituals, I experienced a significant improvement in my financial situation, and the conflicts within my family started dissipating. I am grateful to Vedic Rishi for this powerful Pooja and highly recommend it to anyone facing similar obstacles.

Ravi Kumar

I had been experiencing constant setbacks in my career and felt stuck in a rut. Then I found out that I had Kaal Sarp Dosha and perform the Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja with Vedic Rishi. The after-effects of this pooja were astonishing! Not only did I start receiving new career opportunities, but I also noticed a newfound confidence and clarity in my professional decisions. This Pooja truly helped me break free from the hurdles holding me back

Priya Shah

Health issues had been plaguing me for quite some time, and I couldn't find a solution. That's when I came to know that I had Kaal Sarp Dosha. To get rid of this Dosha, I decide to do a pooja to remove Kaal Sarpa Dosha with Vedic Rishi. I was amazed at the positive changes it brought into my life. My health began to improve gradually, and I regained vitality and energy. The Pooja not only helped me overcome physical challenges but also instilled a sense of peace and well-being. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking better health and overall balance.

Sanjay Savaliya

You too can get rid of your Kaal Sarpa Dosha and live an overall happy and fulfilled life.

Perform Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja With Vedic Rishi


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

Should you do this Pooja, if you have already done this pooja?

It is important to do this pooja at a timely interval. The maximum gap between two Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivaran pooja can be 10 years.

If the last time you performed this pooja was 10 years ago, you should participate in this pooja again.


We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Rudrabhishekam Pooja With Vedic Rishi

Don't let Kaal Sarp Dosha hold you back any longer. You deserve a happy, stress-free, smooth life

Do the Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Pooja with us and remove the roadblock to your success and harmony

We’re only taking these registrations up to 8th of August.