Matching Horoscopes helps you to gauge the level of physical and mental compatibility of the couple, presence or absence of Mangal Dosha and the remedies needed for a happy conjugal life.
Get Started For FreeFollowing are some of the features provided in match making which is completely free.
This detail covers basic astrological points such as Moon sign, Sun sign, Nakshatra and their lords and complete Avakahada details.
This is Varna Koot Matching. TheVarna tells us about their work capacity, personality, conduct and many key aspects related to their match.
This is Vashya Koot Matching. Vasya tells us about the interests and the physical, mental and emotional nature of the groom/bride.
This is Tara Koot Matching. It shows the status of wealth and the innateness of mutual relations between the groom and the bride.
This is Yoni Koot Matching. It reflects the physical attraction and basic sexual compatibility between them.
This is Grah-Maitri Koot Matching. This indicates the harmonisation of temperaments and attitudes of the bride and the groom.
This is Gan Koot Matching. It depicts the mutual love, harmony, attraction and affection of the couple towards each other.
This is Bhakoot Koot Matching.It indicates mutual attraction, attachment, warmth, creativity and resourcefulness.
This is Nadi Koot Matching. This match represents the nervous mechanism of our body and controls our memory consciousness.
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