Explore Planets

The Power of Nine Planets: See How Navgrahas Shape Your Life

Have you ever wondered why you were born and what is the purpose of this life?

If yes, then you don’t have to go miles looking for the answer. Because the answer is hidden in the house of your Kundli in the form of Nav Grahas.

To understand this better, let’s understand a simple equation of vedic astrology and life circle.

The entire study of Astrology stands on the concept of Karma and Destiny. This means you have to face the consequences of whatever actions you take- whether it is good or bad.

We go around in the life cycle balancing these karmas and facing their consequences.

The date, the time, the place, and the purpose of our birth- all depend on this balance of karma and destiny.

And it is not a coincidence that our Janam Kudli is also derived from these details only.

That being said, how can we find out the purpose and the destiny of this lifetime by looking at the Kundli?

It’s simple actually- Based on the balance of your Kundli, you have to tap into the power of Navgrahas.

What is Navgrahas?

In Vedic Astrology, planets are known as "Grahas,". As there are 9 planets, they are called Navgrahas.

These 9 planets play a crucial role in determining various aspects of your life and destiny. According to the wisdom of astrology, the nine planets influence your personality, present, and future.

They decide who you are right now, what you can do, and what could be your future- And that is the power of 9 planets!!

The Navagrahas shape your life and destiny. Each planet represents different aspects of life and has unique significations.

What are the nine planets in Vedic Astrology and what do they represent in our lives?

Here’s your answer:

Surya (Sun)
The Sun rules the zodiac sign Leo (Simha). Leo is associated with qualities like leadership, creativity, and confidence. They are directly influenced by the Sun’s energy.

Just like in the Solar System, the sun is the starting point and the core In Vedic Astrology. Otherwise a star, the Sun is considered a planet in your kundli.

Since it illuminates the outer world, the Sun represents the soul, ego, vitality, authority, leadership, and father figure. It embodies your core essence and reflects your true self and inherent purpose.

The Sun also affects our health and sense of self. It governs our ambitions and how we express our willpower. A well-placed Sun can lead to a strong sense of purpose, self-confidence, and the ability to inspire and lead others.

That’s why people with strong sun are authoritative and are capable of achieving significant success in life. On the other hand, a weak Sun can lead to low self-confidence, health issues, and difficulties with authority figures. It might also result in a lack of direction and difficulty in asserting oneself.

According to the concept of karma and destiny, the sun helps you balance your soul accounts with your father and authority figure. It also leads you on the journey of finding yourself, defining yourself, and shining in the world. Hence, it is safe to say that the sun also helps you establish and balance your personal power.

Ways to make your Surya (Sun) strong

  • Be punctual and value the essence of timing.
  • Be humble and respectful towards elders and authority figures
  • Treat younger people and people in lower ranks with the same respect and love.
Chandra (Moon)
The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer (Karka). Cancer is associated with qualities like sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing. They are directly influenced by the Moon’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Chandra, or the Moon, holds a place of immense significance after the Sun.

The Moon affects our emotional well-being and mental peace. It governs our moods, intuition, and how we nurture and care for ourselves and others. It embodies our subconscious, feelings, instincts, and the way we react to the world around us. While the Sun illuminates the outer world, the Moon shines on our inner world. It reflects our emotional state, sensitivity, and intuition.

A well-placed Moon can lead to emotional stability, strong intuition, and the ability to empathize and connect with others deeply. People with a strong Moon are nurturing, and compassionate, and have a natural ability to comfort and support those around them.

A weak Moon can lead to emotional instability, mood swings, and mental unrest. It might also result in difficulties in maintaining inner peace and strained relationships with maternal figures.

In the context of karma and destiny, the Moon helps you balance your emotional debts and connections, especially with maternal figures and the nurturing aspects of your life. It guides you in understanding and managing your emotions, thereby leading you towards inner peace and emotional fulfillment. The Moon also plays a pivotal role in shaping your mental landscape and influencing your dreams and desires.

Ways to make your Chandra (Moon) strong

  • Engage in meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Cultivate a routine that includes adequate rest and relaxation to ensure mental stability.
  • Build and maintain close, nurturing relationships with family and friends.
Mangal (Mars)
Mars rules the zodiac signs Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrishchika). Aries is associated with qualities like initiative, leadership, and enthusiasm, while Scorpio is linked with intensity, passion, and transformative energy. People with a strong Mars often exhibit qualities of courage, determination, and an unyielding spirit.

In Vedic Astrology, Mangal, or Mars, is a powerful and dynamic planet that plays a significant role in shaping your drive and determination. Mars is considered a planet of energy, action, and desire. It represents physical strength, courage, and assertiveness, influencing how we take initiative and confront challenges.

Mars embodies the warrior spirit within us. It governs our ability to take action, assert ourselves, and pursue our goals with passion and vigor. A well-placed Mars in your kundli can lead to a strong sense of ambition, decisiveness, and the ability to overcome obstacles with resilience and bravery. It fuels our competitive spirit and drives us to achieve our desires.

On the other hand, a weak or afflicted Mars can manifest as impulsiveness, aggression, and conflicts. It may result in difficulties in handling anger and frustration, leading to rash decisions and confrontations. A troubled Mars can also cause issues related to physical health, particularly those involving inflammation, injuries, and high fevers.

In the context of karma and destiny, Mars helps you balance your actions and desires, guiding you towards righteous conduct and disciplined efforts. It teaches you the importance of channeling your energy constructively and managing your desires with wisdom. Mars also influences your relationship with siblings and competitors, impacting your ability to cooperate and collaborate effectively.

Ways to make your Mangal (Mars) strong

  • Engage in regular physical exercise and sports to channel your energy positively.
  • Practice discipline and focus in your daily activities, setting clear goals and working towards them diligently.
  • Develop patience and control over your temper, practicing anger management techniques when needed.
Budha (Mercury)
Mercury rules the zodiac signs Gemini (Mithuna) and Virgo (Kanya). Gemini is associated with qualities like adaptability, sociability, and curiosity, while Virgo is linked with precision, analytical thinking, and practicality. People with a strong Mercury often exhibit qualities of quick thinking, eloquence, and a knack for details.

In Vedic Astrology, Budh, or Mercury, is a planet that governs intellect, communication, and analytical abilities.

Mercury is the planet of reason, logic, and wit, influencing our thought processes and how we express our ideas. It plays a crucial role in shaping our intellectual capabilities and communication skills. Mercury represents the mind's agility and versatility. It embodies intelligence, curiosity, and the ability to learn and adapt.

A well-placed Mercury in your kundli can lead to sharp intellect, effective communication, and a talent for learning and teaching. It enhances your capacity for logical reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding complex concepts.

On the other hand, a weak or afflicted Mercury can result in mental confusion, communication difficulties, and nervousness. It may cause issues related to speech, learning disorders, or a tendency towards deceit and trickery. A troubled Mercury can also lead to inconsistent thinking and a lack of clarity in decision-making.

In the context of karma and destiny, Mercury helps you balance your intellectual debts and communication skills. It guides you in refining your mental processes, enhancing your ability to analyze situations and articulate your thoughts clearly. Mercury also influences your relationship with siblings, friends, and colleagues, impacting your social interactions and networking abilities.

Ways to make your Budha (Mercury) strong

  • Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, writing, puzzles, and intellectual discussions.
  • Practice effective communication by expressing your thoughts clearly and listening actively to others.
  • Cultivate a habit of continuous learning, staying curious, and open to new ideas and knowledge.
Guru (Jupiter)
Jupiter rules the zodiac signs Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meena). Sagittarius is associated with qualities like adventure, philosophy, and exploration. Similarly, Pisces is linked to compassion, intuition, and spiritual depth. Both of which are directly influenced by Jupiter’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is known as Guru. It represents wisdom, spirituality, expansion, and higher knowledge. It embodies your capacity for growth, learning, and understanding the deeper truths of life.

Jupiter affects our pursuit of wisdom and spiritual growth. It governs our principles, beliefs, and ability to seek knowledge and truth. A well-placed Jupiter can lead to prosperity, good fortune, and a strong moral compass. People with a strong Jupiter are often optimistic, generous, and have a profound sense of purpose and faith.

A weak Jupiter can lead to missed opportunities, a lack of wisdom, and challenges in achieving spiritual and material growth. It might also result in difficulties in adhering to ethical values and principles.

In the context of karma and destiny, Jupiter helps you balance your spiritual debts and intellectual pursuits. It guides you in understanding the deeper meaning of life. It gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Jupiter also influences your relationships with teachers, mentors, and spiritual guides, impacting your journey toward enlightenment and personal growth.

Ways to make your Guru (Jupiter) strong

  • Engage in activities that expand your knowledge, such as studying philosophy, theology, or higher education.
  • Practice gratitude and generosity, helping others and sharing your wisdom and resources.
  • Cultivate a positive outlook on life, focusing on the good and maintaining a hopeful attitude.
Shukra (Venus)
Venus rules the zodiac signs Taurus (Vrishabha) and Libra (Tula). Taurus is associated with qualities like sensuality, stability, and appreciation for material comforts. While Libra is linked to balance, harmony, and social connections. Both of which are directly influenced by Venus’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Venus is known as Shukra. It represents love, beauty, art, relationships, and material comforts. It embodies your sense of harmony, aesthetics, and capacity for pleasure and enjoyment.

Venus affects our romantic relationships and artistic expression. It governs our ability to attract and maintain relationships, appreciate beauty, and indulge in life's pleasures. A well-placed Venus can lead to harmonious relationships, artistic talents, and financial prosperity. People with a strong Venus are often charming, creative, and have a keen sense of aesthetics and luxury.

A weak Venus can lead to relationship issues, financial problems, and a lack of appreciation for beauty and pleasure. It might also result in difficulties expressing affection and creativity.

In the context of karma and destiny, Venus helps you balance your desires for love and material comforts. It guides you in cultivating meaningful relationships and appreciating the beauty in life. Venus also influences your relationship with partners, friends, and artistic endeavors, impacting your capacity for joy and creative expression.

Ways to make your Shukra (Venus) strong

  • Engage in creative activities such as painting, music, dance, or any form of artistic expression.
  • Cultivate harmonious relationships by practicing kindness, empathy, and effective communication.
  • Indulge in self-care and pampering to appreciate and enhance your physical and emotional well-being.
Shani (Saturn)
Saturn rules the zodiac signs Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha). Capricorn is associated with qualities like ambition, pragmatism, and determination, while Aquarius is linked to innovation, humanitarianism, and unconventional thinking. Both of these signs are directly influenced by Saturn’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is known as Shani. It represents discipline, responsibility, hard work, and karma. It embodies your capacity for perseverance, structure, and learning through challenges.

Saturn affects our sense of duty and ability to endure hardships. It governs our responsibilities, work ethic, and the lessons we learn through perseverance and patience. A well-placed Saturn can lead to long-term success, stability, and wisdom gained through experience. People with a strong Saturn are often disciplined, reliable, and capable of achieving great things through sustained effort and resilience.

A weak Saturn can lead to delays, obstacles, and feelings of restriction. It might also result in challenges related to authority, responsibility, and dealing with hardships.

In the context of karma and destiny, Saturn helps you balance your karmic debts and responsibilities. It guides you in understanding the importance of discipline and the lessons learned through hardship. Saturn also influences your relationship with authority figures, elders, and the structures within society, impacting your journey toward maturity and self-mastery.

Ways to make your Shani (Saturn) strong

  • Embrace discipline and structure in your daily life, setting clear goals and working towards them consistently.
  • Practice patience and perseverance, understanding that true success often comes through sustained effort.
  • Cultivate a sense of duty and responsibility, fulfilling your obligations with integrity.
Rahu co-rules the zodiac sign Aquarius (Kumbha) along with Saturn. Aquarius is associated with qualities like innovation, humanitarianism, and unconventional thinking. These qualities are influenced by Rahu’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Rahu represents desires, obsessions, materialism, and unconventional thinking. It embodies your drive to achieve worldly ambitions and explore the unknown.

Rahu affects our pursuit of material success and inclination towards innovation. It governs our unfulfilled desires, ambition, and ability to think outside the box. A well-placed Rahu can lead to significant achievements through unconventional means, innovative ideas, and a pioneering spirit. People with a strong Rahu are often ambitious, forward-thinking, and willing to take risks to achieve their goals.

A weak Rahu can lead to confusion, addictions, deceit, and an overwhelming attachment to materialistic pursuits. It might also result in difficulties with boundaries and a tendency to become obsessed with achieving desires at any cost.

In the context of karma and destiny, Rahu helps you explore uncharted territories and face the unknown aspects of your life. It guides you in understanding your deepest desires and the illusions that may cloud your judgment. Rahu also influences your relationship with material wealth, technology, and the unconventional paths you might take in life.

Ways to make your Rahu strong

  • Embrace change and be open to exploring new ideas, cultures, and experiences.
  • Develop a clear sense of purpose and direction to channel Rahu's ambitious energy positively.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to stay grounded and avoid being overwhelmed by desires and illusions.
Ketu co-rules the zodiac sign Scorpio (Vrishchika) along with Mars. Scorpio is associated with qualities like transformation, intensity, and resilience. These qualities are influenced by Ketu’s energy.

In Vedic Astrology, Ketu represents detachment, spirituality, past life influences, and liberation. It embodies your capacity for spiritual growth, introspection, and letting go of material attachments.

Ketu affects our spiritual journey and inclination toward mysticism. It governs our past life karma, intuitive abilities, and the quest for enlightenment. A well-placed Ketu can lead to profound spiritual insights, intuitive knowledge, and a deep understanding of esoteric subjects. People with a strong Ketu are often introspective, spiritually inclined, and capable of seeing beyond the material world.

A weak Ketu can lead to confusion, lack of direction, and difficulties in dealing with past karma. It might also result in a sense of aimlessness and challenges in finding spiritual peace.

In the context of karma and destiny, Ketu helps you release past life attachments and karmic patterns. It guides you in understanding the transient nature of material existence and encourages you to seek spiritual fulfillment. Ketu also influences your relationship with the metaphysical realm, impacting your journey toward self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

Ways to make your Ketu strong

  • Engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and prayer to deepen your connection with the divine.
  • Cultivate detachment from material possessions and desires, focusing on inner peace and contentment.
  • Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to gain insight into your past experiences and karmic patterns.

Why are these nine planets, or Nav Grahas important in Vedic Astrology?

All nine planets are fundamental to Vedic Astrology. Without them, vedic astrology calculations and forecasts are impossible.

In fact, the major 6 key entities of vedic astrology reading depend completely on planets.

Influence on Life Events

Just as we discussed, each planet governs different aspects of life such as health, wealth, relationships, career, and spirituality. The position and movement of these planets in your birth chart (Janam Kundali) influence significant life events and personal traits.

Dasha (Planetary Periods)

Vedic Astrology includes a system of planetary periods called Dashas. These periods dictate the influence of different planets at various times in your life. The dasha of the planets impacts your experiences and decisions.

Transits (Gochara)

Transits are the current movement of planets in the sky relative to their positions in your birth chart. These transits affect ongoing life circumstances. Besides, transits are also important for making predictions about future events and trends.

Aspects and Conjunctions

Planets influence each other through aspects (Drishti) and conjunctions (when they occupy the same sign). These interactions can enhance or mitigate the effects of individual planets. When you understand the aspects and conjunctions, you get a more nuanced understanding of your birth chart.

Houses and Signs

Planets placed in different houses (Bhavas) and signs (Rashis) have specific significations. They can impact your life deeply by influencing major areas like career, relationships, finances, health, travel, and more.

Yogas (Planetary Combinations)

Certain combinations of planets form Yogas, which are auspicious or inauspicious configurations that significantly impact your life. For instance, Gajakesari Yoga and Raja Yogas are considered highly beneficial.

All the nine planets in Vedic Astrology are divided into three groups

Benefic Planets

The planets that bring good luck

Malefic Planets

The planets that pose challenges in life

Neutral Planets

The planets that act depending on their placement and aspects in the birth chart.

Benefic Planets

Benefic planets in Vedic astrology have a positive and auspicious influence on your life. These planets bring good fortune, happiness, prosperity, and overall well-being. However, these planets have to be placed at a positive position in your Kundli.

The primary benefic planets in Vedic astrology are:

Jupiter (Guru)

Known as the greatest benefic, Jupiter is associated with wisdom, knowledge, growth, and expansion. It governs higher education, spirituality, and wealth.

Venus (Shukra)

Venus is linked to love, beauty, harmony, and luxury. It influences relationships, artistic talents, and material pleasures.

Moon (Chandra)

When waxing, the Moon is considered benefic and represents emotions, mind, nurturing, and mental peace. It governs the subconscious, intuition, and domestic life.

Mercury (Budha)

Mercury is typically considered benefic when well-placed, representing communication, intellect, and adaptability. It influences education, commerce, and technology.

Malefic Planets

Malefic planets in Vedic astrology are challenging or inauspicious influences on your life. These planets bring obstacles, difficulties, hardships, and negative experiences when they are prominently placed or negatively aspected in a natal chart.

The primary malefic planets in Vedic astrology are:

Saturn (Shani)

Known as the great malefic, Saturn is associated with discipline, restriction, delay, and karma. It influences obstacles, hardships, and lessons that require patience and perseverance.

Mars (Mangala)

Mars is linked to aggression, conflict, and impulsiveness. It influences courage, energy, and assertiveness but can also lead to accidents, injuries, and disputes.


Rahu represents obsession, materialism, and unconventional behavior. It can cause confusion, addictions, and unexpected changes.


Ketu is associated with detachment, spirituality, and past-life karma. It can bring confusion, disconnection, and losses in material aspects but also spiritual insights.

Some of the planets could also be neutral planets.

There are a few planets that can be considered neutral or mixed in their effects. The neutral behavior depends on various factors such as their placement, aspects, and the specific house they occupy in the Kundli.

The concept of neutrality in Vedic astrology often revolves around these planets having both positive and negative influences. Their ultimate effect is highly dependent on the context of the entire birth chart.

Personal Guidance

Understanding planetary influences helps individuals make informed decisions about their personal and professional lives.


Vedic Astrology offers various remedies (Upayas) to mitigate negative planetary influences, such as wearing gemstones, performing rituals, or chanting mantras.

Health and Well-being

Analyzing planetary positions can provide insights into potential health issues and suggest preventive measures.

How to tap into the full potential of Nav Grahas?

Get Navghara Yantra and worship it regularly

Mantra or Beej Mantra chanting

Doing Navgrah pooja or yagna once in a while

Wear crystals and gemstones

Perform personalised remedies

Reflect on the lessons and challenges presented by each Navgraha in your life, and strive for personal growth and evolution.

Tapping into the full potential of the Navgrahas requires strong spiritual well-being, astrological understanding, and practical application. Hence, All of these can be done the best by the proper guidance of an experienced astrologer.
Each planet's unique energy and attributes shape our experiences and guide us toward a higher consciousness and a better life. Whether benefic, malefic, or neutral, the Navgrahas are always there to show ways to the possibilities of a better and more purposeful life. By harnessing the energies of planets, you can create balance and fulfillment.
Whether you seek to enhance your understanding of yourself or to find solutions to life's challenges, Vedic astrology has the answers and support for you.
If you want to understand, experience, and explore the power of planets, get a free Kundli Report by Vedic Rishi.