Leo, this month finds you seeing the world through new eyes, with a changed outlook compared to last year. You might feel that your efforts aren't getting the recognition they deserve, and some of your wishes aren't coming true as quickly as you'd like. Don't worry - you're heading in the right direction. Now is the time to look inward and understand what's happening inside you so you can let go of anything that no longer helps you grow.
You'll gain some mental clarity that will help you open up to others. Share your true feelings with trusted people; they'll guide you and understand you better because of it. Try using positive statements and visualization - these practices can really help right now.
Your fresh outlook will be useful when unexpected things happen, like old flames or friends suddenly showing up again. These people represent your past life and old way of thinking, giving you a chance to compare how you used to react to them with your current mindset. Deep inside, you know what's best for you, but now you can tap into that wisdom faster than before.
This month highlights life's hidden connections and special moments, pushing you to think about the unseen bonds between you and others. Pay attention to unspoken promises and official agreements that support your success. You're ready to grow and learn, with spiritual growth and broader thinking coming from connections with people from different backgrounds. Be prepared to adjust your beliefs and change how you see the world.
On March 14, the moon will bring changes related to cleaning out old things you no longer need. Later in the month, around March 29, you might receive good news about education or learning opportunities. Between these dates, several important moments will shape your experiences, so stay alert and mindful.
It's natural to want to believe in things that seem too wonderful to be true. Dreamy chances for new clients, investments, or even free trips might appear all around you. But with the current star patterns, something feels off about these offers. Maybe that amazing place you booked turns out to be fake, or someone claiming to be generous tries to steal your information. If you already find it hard to set limits, especially with loved ones, now is a good time to work on that rather than getting caught up in empty promises.
Around the 12th, a reality check about money could hit your relationship hard. This could make or break things, but once you talk it through, you'll know where you stand. Consider looking into therapy or coaching so next time, issues won't go unaddressed for so long.
As for money matters, this isn't the time for big spending on dream vacations. However, it's perfect for researching costs for your next trip, class, or personal quest.
The moon event on March 14th affects your money and self-worth, encouraging you to clear out financial or mental clutter. Have you been selling yourself short? It's time for changes.
When Mercury moves backward starting March 15th, you'll focus on learning, travel, and growth. You might revisit old dreams of education, exploring new places, or starting spiritual practices. While it's not time to book flights or sign up for courses yet, you can research and plan.
On March 19th and 21st, you'll need to think about what truly makes you feel loved and inspired. If any relationship is draining you, it's time to reset. Your energy is too valuable to waste on the wrong connections.
The special moon event on March 29th brightens your adventure area. Whether it's a real trip or a shift in thinking, you're ready to expand your horizons. The next day, your dreams might feel more vivid and your gut feelings stronger than ever.
July 23 - Augest 21
"Just like the Lion, I am regal in the true sense. Call me Leo, the kindest of all. I am energetic, enthusiastic and outgoing. Ruled by the Sun, I hold the trait of a leader. Here I am, ambitious by nature, straightforward and charismatic, I am everything that a lion is known for."
As majestic and impressive as the Lion that represents their sign, Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac. Radiantly enthusiastic, magnanimous with their charm and gifts, and fiercely proud and confitlent_ Leoslove and live life to the fullest and expect, indeed need In be at the helm at home, Work, and play. Wonderfully affectionate, dramatic, and creative — there are many Leos among the actors of the world — Leos hate srnall~ mindedness and nit-picking. But they themselves arc occasionally stubborn, autocratic, and dogmatic.
Take big and bold steps towards your success, happiness and life growth