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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Aquarius for April 2024

Aquarius, big problems need small fixes. Let this idea also apply to your bigger personal issues. When you're overwhelmed, look closer and go smaller. What you need might be right in front of you. Don't make a simple situation too complicated. Right now, it's okay if you don't have answers. The wisdom might be in how you're asking your questions.

Not everyone who wanders is lost, and for you, being pushed off course by things beyond your control might be exactly what's needed to put you on the fastest path to your goal. Yes, this is probably about any ongoing stories around your money and housing situation, and yes, that doesn't leave out the progress you've been making in deeper relationships with some of your closest family.

The question this April is: which stories need rewriting, and where can going back to what's familiar put you back in touch with the truth?

Most of this month will be spent going back to emails you've been keeping in your drafts, catching up with friends and family you haven't seen in a while, rethinking your daily commute, and trying to settle into a new rhythm for your daily routines. From the 1st through the 25th, a planet is going backward, encouraging you to double back to the past to find the most direct paths to efficiency and truth.

On the 8th, a solar event lights up the same part of your chart, showing you that the only way forward is through pain and fear. The meeting of two planets happening on the 10th is part of what leads you here, and yes, unfortunately, this will likely involve some sort of money setback. Does a current lack of cash flow require a change in your content plan? Is a momentary hit to your independence a chance to lean on your support network? Will a big hole in your travel budget encourage you to fall in love more deeply with your own backyard?

There's a bigger picture here, and it has to do with your deepening connection to family, roots, and "home" as a basic condition in a world where the ground is always shifting. The meeting of two planets on the 20th is the high point of a longer wisdom process you've been going through for the last year, and maybe you've had to search far and wide for the meaning of something that's quite literally been under your feet this whole time.

April is the time you should turn your skills and talent into business and make money from it. Your hard work and new ideas will bring you success. If you are a working professional, get ready for a raise or recognition at work. Good times ahead!

A trio of coin cards means that work, wealth, health, and home are top of your priority list this April. Spring cleaning perhaps, in more ways than one? The Five of Coins sees you letting some things go, removing dead weight.

Perhaps healing, too, recovering from losses or wounds from over the winter. The Eight of Coins sees you getting to some important tasks and working hard on reaching your goals. There will be hard work this April, but the rewards are worth it, so make the effort, keep going, and don't give up even if you get tired or frustrated. A breakthrough will come along when you really need it and help clear the path.

The Six of Coins sees your friendships really taking off this April. You feel supported, appreciated, valued, and loved. You want to do more with your circle and maybe take on a team challenge or book something to look forward to later in the summer. Do it. Be among your favorites and create a positive group. Aquarians are great friends!



January 21 - February 19










"Being Aquarius is creative! Besides my acute sense of art, I believe in giving the best kick-starts. Call me an absolute dreamer while I’m popular for my eccentric approach. Here I am, tend to hold the future of an artist, painter or philosopher."


Often considered the most enigmatic of the zodiac children, Aquarians are fiercely individualistic and independent intellectuals who rarely form permanent relationships with anyone. Nevertheless, they are also noted for being friendly, kind, helpful, and caring; and they are possessed of deep humanitarian instincts. Still. they always remain quintessentially private people. Aquarians are gifted with inventiveness, originality. and creativity, and they are equally comfortable working in such disparate worlds as social work and science.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Progressive , Independent , Humanitarian


Temperamental , Uncompromising , Aloof

Favorable Colors

Light purpleSilver

Favorable Numbers


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