Astrologically Speaking - Here Are Causes and Cures of Diabetes That You Must Know

Today, approximately 415 million people are suffering from diabetes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is one of the top ten factors causing the majority of deaths worldwide.
The Medical Information and Science of Diabetes:
There are two kinds of diabetes (actually three, but we won't consider the last and the third type which is gestational diabetes). The two kinds of diabetes are simply called Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 diabetes is Juvenile Diabetes while Type 2 is called Diabetes Mellitus or adult-onset diabetes.
The major difference between these two types is that Type 1 is a genetic condition that shows up early in life. On the other hand, Type 2 is mainly lifestyle-related and develops over time. However, in both types, the pancreas is the vital organ and insulin - the key hormone of the pancreas is affected.
Now that we know the role of pancreas and insulin in diabetes, let's understand the medical astrology of it.
Insulin helps you digest food and controls the release of sugar in your bloodstream.
If the pancreas stops working the way it should, then the blood sugar levels get too high and this leads to diabetic condition.
The pancreas is thus a vital organ and is situated between your spine and stomach. In medical astrology, the 5th house, 6th house, planets Venus and Jupiter, and the Virgo sign play a key role in kick-starting the onset of diabetes.
However, besides these five factors, the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces play an equally important role too.
Let's understand how…
5th House -The 5th house rules over the pancreas and is associated with the overall health of our stomach. The natural ruling planet of this house is the Sun. The Sun is directly related to the heat and brings about the process of digestion. 5th house also rules over the liver. Liver cells play an important role in regulating your blood sugar level.
6th house - The 6th house directly relates to diet and detoxification. In Vedic astrology, this house plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being.
Virgo sign - The Virgo sign is the natural significator of the 6th house. This sign is extremely crucial as it influences your abdomen and intestines. The entire digestive system, liver, and gall bladder fall under this sign's influence. Virgo's natural ruling planet is Mercury and Mercury governs your nervous system.
High blood sugar can damage your nerves and cause various other health problems. Thus, Mercury - as a ruler of Virgo plays an important role in maintaining normal activities of the body.
Jupiter - The placement of Jupiter in your horoscope has a direct impact on your pancreas and fat tissues. An afflicted or ill-placed Jupiter may cause pancreatic malfunction and obesity.
Jupiter plays a crucial role in maintaining insulin balance in your body.
It is the planet of expansion, and thus when malefic or afflicted can lead to weight gain and increased blood sugar levels.
Venus - Venus plays a major role in inducing a liking for sugar and sweets. In Ayurveda, Kapha dosha is composed of water and earth. Both water and earth represent Venus. However, being a kapha-dominant personality does not directly imply diabetes. But, if you are a kapha-dominated person and have an imbalanced lifestyle, you can get diabetes.
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces represent the water triplicity of the zodiac.
The small intestine breaks the glucose which then enters the bloodstream.
Kidneys filter the excess of blood glucose and reabsorb it. Your body then gets rid of the excess blood sugar through urine.
Water signs thus play a crucial role in maintaining blood sugar levels.
Yogas that can lead to diabetes
Here are a few astrological yoga that manifest into diabetes:
1. If the 6th house or the 6th lord is under the effect of afflicted planets.
2. If more than one negative planet is placed in the Virgo sign.
3. If Venus and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic planets.
4. If Mars is in the 10th house and is placed with Saturn.
5. If Venus is placed in the 8th house and is aspected by negative or afflicted planets.
6. If Ketu is placed in the 4th or the 8th house.
7. If Venus is seated in the 1st or the 6th house.
To know if you have any of these or other harmful yogas for health in your Kundli, you should get in touch with our principal astrologer. He will give you proper interpretation and the right guidance to improve your overall health and wellness.
Just like it is important for us to get our health check-ups done to make sure we don't have underlying health issues, we must regularly get our Kundli analyzed by an experienced astrologer. So that we can be sure that we don't have any planetary positions, or ongoing yogas and dashas that could be affecting our health.
What are some Astrological Remedies for Diabetes?
Worship Shri Ganesh and Chant His Mantras
Shri Ganesha presides over the Mooldhara chakra. The ruling element of the Mooldhara chakra is Earth. Earth is not only associated with Venus but also is the ruling element of Virgo.
As mentioned earlier, Virgo is the natural significator of the 6th house and rules over our bowels and digestive system.
That being said, chanting Shri Ganesha's mantra will restore balance in your Earth's elements and enhance the overall health of your digestive system.
Here are some Ganesh Mantras you can chant:
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah ।
ॐ गं गणपतये नम: ।
Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samaprabha । Nirvighnam Kurume Deva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada ॥
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥
Om Ekadantaya Vidmahe । Vakratundaya Dheemahi । Tanno Danti Prachodayat ।।
ॐ एकदंताय विद्महे। वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि। तन्नो दंती प्रचोदयात।।
Regular chanting of these mantras with sincerity and devotion can help bring about positive changes in your health and overall wellness.
Chant the Mantras for Venus and Jupiter
Worshipping Venus and Jupiter offers you the gift of longevity and healthy life. They give you the power to recover from diseases. An imbalance in Jupiter and Venus energies can lead to liver complaints. You can counter these imbalances by cutting down on sugar and alcohol.
As you might like to note here - sugar and alcohol are two major reasons for diabetes.
Mantra for Jupiter - Om Gram Grim Graum Sah Guruve Namah
Mantra for Venus - Om Dram Drim Draum Sah Shukraya Namah
You can also wrap Sharpunkha Root in silk cloth and wear it on the right arm.
Sharpunkha is a perennial herb and wearing its root has many health benefits. Some of these benefits are…
- Balancing your kapha dosha.
- Restoring the health of your liver.
- Easing out your stomach problems and protecting your kidneys.
All these benefits of wearing Sharpunkha Root can help you stay away from diabetes.
Diabetes is both a genetic and lifestyle disorder. It is a disease in the medical book.
But as we observed the positions of planets are also responsible for causing diabetes.
So, if you have any of the above-mentioned positions in your Kundli that may cause diabetes, you can start following these remedies as a precautionary measure. So that you can avoid the onset of diabetes in your later life.
But you must remember that these remedies are not replacements for healthy living.
No matter what your health condition is right now, taking care of your health is not an option.
Whether or not you have diabetes (or any other disease) in your family, or even if you have the most auspicious planetary positions, you must lead a healthy, happy, and balanced lifestyle.
That's the first and the most important step to keep diabetes at bay.
Vedic Rishi wishes you a happy, healthy, and diabetes-free life!
Health Glossary:
- People say it right when they say health is wealth. But How do we start to look after this wealth that we've been given by nature? Find your answer in the wisdom of astrology.
- The position of planets can cause us to fall sick. We just discussed a few planetary misalignments that cause diabetes. Just like that, what are other misalignments and how do we remedy them? While noting them down in one go is difficult, here are a few that could help you.
- What are some lesser-known details of living a healthy and happy life? Get access to such knowledge here.
You can also hack your health and wellness with Yantras. Yantras are special geometric diagrams used in Vedic that focus the mind and harness positive energies. Here are some yantras that you can bring home to improve your health and wellness. - Mahamrityunjaya Yantra
You can also start wearing rudraksha to regulate your mental and physical health. While you need to speak to our principal astrologer to know which specific Rudraksha beads can help you improve your health, you can buy a 5 Mukhi Rudraksha regardless.
You can even get your personalized Kundli Report to understand your health better and take better care of yourself.
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