Explore Your Health with Astrology's Insightful Guidance

Diseases, disability, deficit, or a defect - call it anything. It all boils down to the temporary nature of the human condition. All things comprise the five fundamental elements of the panchmahabhuta - Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, and Prithvi. In India, science and astrology can comfortably co-exist and, in fact, run parallel to each other.
As simple as it sounds, health was never an issue before. However, lifestyle and dietary malfunctions have significantly altered our health's ‘sound state’. Only a medical doctor is competent enough to name and treat the disease in question. In the wake of progressive phenomena, we forget that our states of mind and body have karmic connections. Besides the medicine of the modern world, it's these karmic precursors that work in hindsight that heal or deteriorate us.
What is essential for us, as humans, is to understand the connection between our well-being and the role of our karmas in this current lifetime. To do this, your horoscope will play a template.
Be it career, money, or relationships - sound health is the key to success in all spheres of your life. Reading your personalized horoscope and understanding its astrological nuances will give you a deep insight into your health factors, plausible diseases, and the remedies for the same.
If you want to know the planets in your birth chart, you can check with us using our free Kundli calculator.
Does Health and Well-Being Have Its Roots in Astrology?
WHO states, ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of a disease’. This definition emphasizes the overall well-being of a person. In the most general terms, a disease is caused when you’re exposed to the noxious elements in the environment.
This approach is great regarding the primary prevention of a disease. But in the higher stages, a disease has much more to do with your internal environment.
The human body is capable of evolution. There’s a sure exchange of energy between our internal and external environment. The internal environment consists of our mind and body, while the external environment is the location of the planets in our horoscope that catalyzes further changes in our immediate environment. An interaction between these two forces leads to the ups and downs in our well-being that we must deal with until we reside in this temporary body.
Deep down, a disease happens when a human body cannot balance the changes germinating in its internal environment. These changes relate directly or indirectly to the position of the planets in your horoscope. It is the shift in their energies that manifests in the form of diseases.
How Do Signs, Planets and Houses Play a Role in Our Health?
Signs have a direct relation to your body parts. Affliction of any of these signs directly and significantly impacts the body parts they are associated with.
Aries - head, brain and face.
Taurus - throat, neck, lips and ears
Gemini - lungs, hands, arms and shoulders
Cancer - stomach, breasts, chest and digestive system
Leo - heart, back and spine
Virgo - Intestines and lower spine
Libra - kidneys, skin and lumbar region
Scorpio - bladder, anus and pelvis
Sagittarius - hips, thighs, nerves and arteries
Capricorn - knees, bones and teeth
Aquarius - blood circulation, legs and ankles
Pisces - feet, toes and lymphatic system.
The Role of Houses in Maintaining Our Health
Your entire horoscope is divided into twelve houses. Anybody who’s had the slightest interest in astrology would know that signs and planets emit their energies through the houses they occupy.
6th house - 6th is the house of sickness. Planets in any manner occupying this house or are connected can lead to illness. The health will surely suffer if you’re running the mahadasha or antardasha of the planets associated with house number 6.
8th house - 8th is the house of surgeries and death. The eighth house has much to do with your mental health and directly connects with your overall well-being. This house also rules over your longevity and the nature of your death.
Twelfth house - The twelfth is the house of hospitalization. This house also has much to do with the other aspects of your life as well. But when we talk of health, this house influences your anxiety, isolation and addictions.
The three houses - 6th, 8th and 12th indicate the root of a dysfunctional mind and body. But the other three houses, 1st, 5th and 11th, signify the cure of the disease you might be suffering from.
1st house - This is your primary house or the ascendant. The condition of this house is directly connected to your health.
5th house - A robust fifth house without any afflictions suggests a healthy state of the body. This is also the house of creativity, which carries innate healing powers. Operating on the subtler levels. 5th house gives the best results in health during the period of the planets connected with it. Your physical stature, vitality and vigour depend on the health of this house.
11th house - Planets in the 11th house play a vital role in curing your ailments as it is located 6th from the 6th house. This house and the planets located in it have a direct influence on curing your chronic illnesses.
Role of Planets and Their Impact on Our Health
Sun - Rules over your heart, spleen, blood, brain, vitality, left eye of woman and right eye of man.
Moon - Stomach, uterus, ovaries, saliva, right eye of woman and left eye of man.
Mercury - Brain, tongue, nerves, arms, hairs, and ears.
Venus - Throat, kidneys, ovaries, veins, and cheeks.
Mars - Bile, rectum, nose, and external generative organs.
Jupiter - Feet, thighs, arteries, hip bones, liver, and right ear.
Saturn - Teeth, spleen, joints, right ear, bones, and gall bladder.
Besides playing a role in maintaining our physiological health, planets play a great role in preserving our mental health as well. The primary planets important for our mental health are the Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter.
The Moon is the karaka of the mind, Mercury holds direct rule over the nervous system, and Jupiter is responsible for maturity and wisdom. An affliction of any of these planets can result in severe mental health disorders.
In the coming year, understand your health better and take the right steps to improve it by reading your personalized horoscope report 2024. It helps you look at your health challenges from the snapshot of your vedic chart and suggests the right actions for you. So, you become fitter and stronger in the coming year.
Reinforce Positive Changes in Your Diet and Lifestyle Through Your Personalized Horoscope
Health and well-being are directly linked to our lifestyle and the food that we eat. The food is the prana or the life force and is judged based on quality.
Cooked and eaten with complete consciousness is the right food for the body. But it's not only the quality of the food that matters; it's also the quantity. The foods are categorized as rajasic, tamasic, and sattvic based on their quality. Even sattawic foods, when over-eaten, turn tamasic. Bhagavad Gita explicitly mentions, 'That which is stale, tasteless, putrid and rotten, is the food liked by tamasic'.
In fact, planets directly impact your health and sanity via food. Food is the medium or an instrument of a planet’s expression. Vedic astrology suggests eating particular foods to rectify the energies of respective planets.
For instance, urad dal works best when eaten on Saturdays, while eating two tulsi leaves after bathing can reduce the malefic effects of Rahu and Ketu in your birth chart. Particular foods can set in motion specific planetary vibrations that directly affect our overall health.
Planets have a direct bearing on the choice of foods and vice-versa. It's the nature of the foods that we eat and the lifestyle we lead that primarily make the planet malefic or beneficial. Whether in the material or spiritual world, our body helps us work our karma and push us towards our final goal of liberation. We are indeed what we eat.
Rishis tell us that grain has the power to absorb and transmit samskaras. These samskaras have influenced the pattern and arrangement of the planets we see in our horoscope in this lifetime. Eating junk food releases a brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is directly linked to the planet Rahu, and in turn, Rahu is the planet famous for inducing laziness and illusions. Eating junk beyond a limit indeed activates Rahu's ill effects, leading to confusion and laziness.
Our food and lifestyle are the kernel - the core, and our body is the extension of this kernel. Reinforcing positive changes in our food and lifestyle, especially according to the personalized horoscope, can drastically activate positive samskara, reduce the malefic effects of planets, and enhance our health.
Adopt a Holistic Way of Life by Reading Your Personalized Horoscope
Planetary afflictions and misplacements are a medium of great change. Personalized horoscopes make predictions about looming health dangers and forewarn you to make immediate changes in your lifestyle.
In a way, a personalized horoscope is more like a ‘teaching method’. By highlighting your weaknesses, the horoscope inspires you to adopt a holistic approach to your life. Medical astrology yet stands a great scope of research and advancement. In ancient times, astrology had been an integral part of traditional medicine.
Ayurveda, science, and yoga are deeply interconnected. And this triad, in turn, is directly linked to Vedic astrology. A personalized report can actually help you to carry out a detailed diagnosis of your health status and offer preventive measures for the same.
As a research report, a personalized horoscope covers segments like your physiological, emotional, and spiritual health, diet, fitness, diseases-giving malefic planets, and health-restoring benefic planets.
It's a close-knit world and people know the benefits of adopting a holistic approach. Right from stress management to greater clarity in habits, a holistic lifestyle has benefitted almost all segments of society.
But the question remains - how do we get started and what alterations we should bring that best serve our health needs?
The answer lies in getting your personal horoscope, spotting health indicators in your chart and reading it by an accomplished astrologer. Figuring out the planets that have gone a bit astray and then adopting remedies to rectify them is unique to each individual.
Zeroing in on the planetary placements in your personalised horoscope will enable you to approach a holistic lifestyle that serves your needs, is compatible with your health status and helps you address your issues in a better way.
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