Simple Astrological Remedies for Planetary Misalignment Health Problems

Health is a huge asset, and ‘being normal’ has always been underrated. You won't know you have a head or knee until it hurts. With the world revolving around the ideas of maintaining well-being, health has come to attain varied definitions.
The most prevalent being the one by WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Health abnormality detection relies on reading the symptoms and then tracing their root cause. How malignant are malignant tumors? Or how does the range of B.P. vary in perfectly healthy normal individuals, even if we consider the same age group?
The root cause that modern medicine tracks down as a source of disease could go well beyond our natural perception of the ‘root cause’.
When investigated deeper, the root cause crosses the usual boundaries of the physical body and trickles down to the disease, either erupting from a distorted state of mind or repressed emotions. Furthermore, jumping beyond the usual limits of mind and emotions, the root cause often settles down in one’s horoscope or astrological map.
Sounds vague?
That’s how stars are!
The way the physical constitution varies according to individuals, the ‘astrological constitution’ too varies. Different planetary alignments or their misalignments hugely decide your immune power and the diseases that you’ll contract throughout your lifetime. For instance, a bad Sun could lead to migraines, while a bad Saturn could lead to fragile bones and fractures. Each individual horoscope is unique, and so the nature of the disease varies greatly over the spectrum.
The Seven Classical Planets, the diseases they inflict and their astrological Remedies
Chanting Navagraha mantra aligns us with the celestial energies of the nine planets, bringing harmony and positivity into our lives.
The Effect of the Sun on Health and Its Astrological Remedies A
The Sun is the primary source of energy. Anant Ripa Ajmera, an Ayurvedic practitioner, says, “Ayurveda, the world's oldest healing system, revolves around the Sun”. In the human body, the Sun rules the pineal gland. Located deep in the centre of the brain, the pineal gland is also called the third eye.
The Sun rules the stomach, heart, head, right eye in men and the left eye in women.
Diseases you are prone to due to a misaligned Sun in your natal chart - Tuberculosis, pittaja diseases, heart disease, decaying of the digestive system, thyroid, eye diseases, blood pressure, brain-related diseases, migraine, sinus, joint problems, memory issues, nausea.
Astrological health remedies to enhance the energies of a weak Sun :
- Donate red and yellow clothes.
- Feed wheat and jaggery to the cows, especially on Sundays.
- Donate jaggery, copper, gold, lentils, and red lotus.
- After bathing, take clean water in a copper pot and add jaggery, a pinch of turmeric, sandalwood powder, rice, and durva to it. Then, offer the water to the Surya deva. While doing so, chant Aditya Hridayam or the twelve names of the Sun.
- Avoid eating salt on Sundays.
Mantra - Chant this Surya Mantra 28 or 108 times:
Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah
ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः
The Effect of the Moon on Health and Its Astrological Remedies B
Moon is the feminine force, the energy behind the secret workings of the mind. Like the Sun, the Moon, too, holds tremendous power to affect our health and well-being.
It rules the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary. The hypothalamus creates oxytocin - the cuddle chemical or the love hormone.
Both the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary interact with each other and secrete various hormones that play a key role in regulating our body functions.
Moon governs the lungs, ovaries, body fluids, mind, and left eye in men and the right eye in women.
Diseases you are prone to due to a misaligned Moon in your natal chart - diabetes, insomnia, dropsy, tumors, insanity, defective eyesight, asthma, diarrhea, anemia, jaundice, depression, and urinary problems.
Astrological health remedies to enhance the energies of a weak Moon:
- Donate white things like rice, milk, curd, sugar, white lotus, and silver.
- Wear silver on a regular basis.
- Meditate and do yoga regularly.
- Avoid wasting water.
- Respect your mother.
- Read Vishnusahasranama.
- Mantra chanting.
Mantra - Chant this Chandra Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Som Somaya Namah
ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः
The Effect of Mercury on Health and Its Astrological Remedies C
Mercury has a direct hold over your nervous system. This is why Mercury has one of the primary controls of your brain.
Mercury is a planet known for its speed. With a direct influence over your brain, this planet brings about rapid thoughts and impulsive actions.
Mercury rules the thyroid.
The implementation of ‘breakneck speed’, thus, promptly applies relevant when Mercury is in its full action. It also has a sway over your skin and face.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Mercury in your natal chart - mental issues, typhoid, ulcer, indigestion, epilepsy, stammering, jaundice, hysteria, dizziness, pneumonia, ear problems, weak nerves, and chest diseases.
Astrological health remedies to enhance the energies of weak Mercury:
- Feed green grass or spinach to cows and goats.
- Cruelty to animals can aggravate the negative effects of Mercury on your health. Cut down on the portions of non-vegetarian food and include green vegetables in your diet.
- Drink water in a silver glass.
- Take care of parrots.
- Give gifts to children.
- Keep good oral hygiene.
Mantra - Chant this Budh Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Bram Breem Broum Sah Budhaya Namah
ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः
The Effect of Mars on Health and Its Astrological Remedies E
Mars is often called the forceful planet. It's this planet that is solely responsible for the raw sexual urges that the man often experiences at the altar of his spinal cord.
It primarily rules the adrenal glands.
In man, these glands bring about the reaction of fight or flight - both vehement and extreme. Besides adrenals, Mars rules blood, bile, and bone marrow.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Mars in your natal chart - Thalassemia, blood clotting, panic attacks, anxiety, fear, leprosy, itching, piles, loose motion, boils, fever, burns, female genital diseases (menstrual problems), and cancer.
Astrological health remedies to enhance the energies of weak Mars:
- Donate masoor lentils, copper, red flowers, and red-colored Bel fruit.
- Donate blood - it is one of the best remedies to correct Mars energies in your natal chart.
- Plant red flowers in your house.
- Regularly chant Hanuman Chalisa.
Mantra - Chant this Mangal Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Bhom Bhomaya Namah
ॐ भोम भोमाय नमः
The Effect of Venus on Health and Its Astrological Remedies D
Good Venusian energy is a prerequisite for material and marital happiness. This planet is, therefore, responsible for the love factor in your life.
It primarily rules the ovaries and testes.
Besides these two, Venus also has a major sway over the throat, face, cheeks, and urine formation. On the physical level, it governs beauty and, on the subtle level, brings about bhakti and devotion.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Venus in your natal chart - genital diseases, epilepsy, indigestion, throat diseases, infertility, sexual dysfunction, jaundice, semen-related problems, skin problems, and urinary tract diseases.
Astrological health remedies to enhance the energies of weak Venus in your natal chart:
- Take time out for your creative talents.
- Practice deep breathing exercises.
- Practicing Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayamas are one of the best remedies to enhance Venus's energy.
- Keep your home and workplace clean.
- Offer sweets to girls and widows.
- Frequently wear clothes that are white or pink.
Mantra - Chant this Shukra Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Shukraya Namah
ॐ शुक्राय नमः
The Effect of Jupiter on Health and Its Astrological Remedies F
Jupiter, like its size, is magnificent in its effect on our health. In men, it leads to fat accumulation and metabolism.
It primarily rules the Pancreas in man.
The pancreas is largely responsible for sugar control in your bloodstream. Besides the pancreas, Jupiter also has a strong hold over the liver, kidneys, ear, tongue, thighs, and suprarenals.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Jupiter in your natal chart - Fatty liver, heart, tumor, excessive fat gain, memory loss, diabetes, jaundice, calf-diseases, problems of kidney and spleen, and marrow defects.
Astrological health remedies to enhance energies of misaligned Jupiter:
- Wear yellow colored clothes often.
- Donate yellow things like fruits, jaggery, ladoos, clothes, and flowers.
- Donate to religious and educational institutions (by donating books).
- Donate jaggery to people (especially in religious institutions).
- Feed jaggery to the cows.
Mantra - Chant this Guru Mantra (Brishaspati Mantra) 28 or 108 times:
Om Gram Greem Saha Guruve Namah
ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं सः गुरुवे नमः
The Effect of Saturn on Health and Its Astrological Remedies G
Saturn has a direct bearing on your health by influencing your skeletal structure.
In man, Saturn primarily rules over legs, bones, spleen, endo-cardio system, hair, and teeth.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Saturn in your natal chart- Arthritis, gastric problems, paralysis, skin allergies, osteoporosis, premature aging, depression, deafness, deformity, paralysis, cough, asthma, rheumatism, itching, and ailments of the colon and rectum.
Astrological health remedies to enhance energies of misaligned Saturn in your natal chart:
- Follow a vegetarian diet and avoid cruelty towards animals.
- Do not lie or cheat.
- Feed blind individuals.
- Donate black urad dal to Brahmins and the needy.
- Consume black urad dal on Saturdays.
- Chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly.
- Worship Bhagwan Shiva by pouring water on the Linga.
Mantra - Chant this Shani Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah
ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नमः
The Effect of Rahu on Health and Its Astrological Remedies L
Rahu is the shadow point, the head of the mighty snake. Rahu, though actually not a planet, significantly affects our overall well-being.
In man, it rules the lungs, legs, and neck.
Diseases you are prone to owing to misaligned Rahu in your natal chart - cancer, illusions, asthma, cataracts, leprosy, blisters, stammer, smallpox, worms in the stomach, food poisoning, and bad teeth.
Astrological health remedies to enhance energies of misaligned Rahu in your natal chart:
- Avoid wearing blue clothes.
- Avoid cruelty towards animals, especially snakes.
- Regularly chant Durga Chalisa.
- You may also chant the Gayatri mantra or Saraswati Vandana.
Mantra - Chant this Rahu mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Ram Rahave Namah
ॐ रां राहवे नमः
The Effect of Ketu on Health and Its Astrological Remedies M
Ketu, the terminal shadow point, marks the tail of the great snake.
In man, Ketu rules the pineal gland (along with the Sun).
Ketu leads to the spiritual involution in man, thus rightly ruling the pineal gland - the third eye. Besides the pineal gland, Ketu also drastically influences your abdomen.
Diseases you are prone to due to misaligned Ketu in your natal chart - hearing loss, stomach disorders, allergies, spinal problems, depression, knee problems, fatigue, skin diseases, obesity, joint pain, hernia, drowsiness, and genital diseases.
Astrological health remedies to enhance energies of misaligned Ketu in your natal chart:
- Donate blankets and warm clothes to those in need.
- Worship Shri Ganesha and regularly chant his mantra.
- Feed dogs and avoid being cruel to them.
- Donate black urad dal or mustard seeds on Thursdays to the needy.
- Donate milk and sugar to the needy.
Mantra - Chant this Ketu Mantra 28 or 108 times a day:
Om Sram Sreem Sram Sah Ketve Namah
ॐ स्रां स्रीं स्रौं सः केतवे नमः
Why Horoscope Reading Is Crucial for Disease Detection
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It's not only about the diseases or discomforts you’re going through right now. It's also about the illnesses waiting to attack you when they get a chance.
Though cliched, it stands true, “Precaution is better than cure”. Reading your horoscope and detecting the planets that have gone out of their usual behavior will give you an insight into the reason for your current diseases and the ones that are about to come.
Once you’re clear about the astrological reasons for your ailments, energy correction becomes easier. The deviltry of any of the classical planets can lead to serious physical and mental complications. But if you’re able to detect these planetary misalignments in time, it can help you do the simple astrological remedies and create a protective shield around you to keep those diseases at bay.
Even if those diseases are unavoidable, doing these remedies will enable you to reduce their intensity, making them ‘bearable’.
Illnesses are karmic in nature and often connected to our past lives. Detecting planetary misalignments and doing the remedies in parallel will reinforce positive karma and bring about the subsequent nullification of the negative energy that leads to the sprouting of lethal diseases.
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