Unlock the Limitless Power of Shri Ram Raksha Stotra and Transform Your Life!

Sri Ramaraksha Stotra means the 'Protection given by Shri Rama'. Rishi Budha Kaushika is the composer of Shri Ram Raksha stotra. Once, Bhagwan Shiva came into Kaushika's dream and sang the Ram Raksha Stotra with him. This Stotra contains 38 stanzas and every word of each stanza is believed to neutralize all our sins. This stotra is in Sanskrit and has the power to activate our dormant energies.
When you chant Ramaraksha Strotra, you become the favorite of Shree Ram. His energies protect you from evil and keep you in the light of positivity.
With Shree Ram by your side, you always remain strong on the path of truth and righteousness. And eventually, with enough patience and persistence, you surely see victory.
That’s how powerful is Sri Ramaraksha Strota.
But What is Ramaraksha Strota?
Sri Ramaraksha Stotra means the 'Protection given by Shri Rama'.
This Strota was composed by Rishi Budha Kaushika.
But wait…
It’s not that simple…
Because there’s a story about how Rishi Budha Kaushika ended up composing Ramaraksha Strotam.
Once, Bhagwan Shiva came into Kaushika's dream and sang the Ram Raksha Stotra with him.
This Stotra contains 38 stanzas and every word of each stanza is believed to neutralize all our sins. This stotra is in Sanskrit and has the power to activate our dormant energies.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Normally, the strotams and the choaipays have a special way of recitation.
And each hymn has its own sets of benefits too.
That being said- How should you recite Ram Raksha Strotam?
The recitation of Ram Raksha Stotra is simple.
You just have to observe some simple steps and keep complete faith while reciting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra.
1. Sit with your back to the east or north. You can recite the Stotra in a nearby Shri Ram temple, in your puja room, or in front of the image of Shri Rama.
2. Do not sit on the bare ground. You can use any asana or a dhurrie on which you feel comfortable. Asana made of Kusha grass is usually preferred.If you do not have Kusha asana, then you may sit on any asana that makes you comfortable. If you are unable to sit on the ground, then you might use a chair to sit in. However, you must avoid sitting on your bed or mattress. Whether you sit on the ground or use a chair, try to keep your back straight. Straightening your back will improve your concentration and allow you to easily focus while chanting the stotra.
3. It is preferable if you chant the strotra in the Brahma Muhurta, but if this is not possible, then you may chant it at any time of the day. Recitation of Shri Ram Raksha stotra is recommended only after you finish your nitya karma (after evacuating your bowels, bathing, and wearing clean and loose clothes).
4. Once you sit down to recite the stotra, it is preferable to perform Anuloma Viloma Pranayama at least 3 times. If you find performing Anuloma Viloma Pranayama difficult or time-consuming, then performing Nadi Shodhan is also highly beneficial.
Nadi Shodhan Method - Sit in Sukhasana or any comfortable position. Keep your back straight and gradually start to focus on your breath. Then make the Vishnu mudra with the right hand, shut your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in deeply through the left nostril. Once you breathe in completely from the left nostril, then shut the left nostril and release your thumb from the right nostril. Breathe out from the right nostril and then breathe in again from the same nostril. Then again, shut the right nostril and breathe out from the left nostril. Thus, we begin breathing from the left nostril and end by breathing out of the left nostril. This completes one cycle of Nadi Shodhana. Repeat it three times.
5. Before starting the recitation, it is mandatory to worship Shri Ganesh, Bhagwan Shiva, Mata Parvati, or Shri Hanuman (you may choose any one deity as per your liking and inclination). You can also chant Hanuman Chalisa before beginning the recitation.
6. The ideal number for chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra is 3, 7 or 11 times. Though, chanting it this many times is not a compulsion. You can chant it as per your capacity and inclination.
7. Women may chant it 2 times. But they must avoid chanting it during their menstrual cycle.
Note: Try chanting this stotra after you understand its meaning. Chanting it after understanding its meaning will give you quick and better results.
Note: If you chant this strotam after understanding its meaning, you will find yourself more devoted to the recitation. Your faith will be strengthened and you have more mental strength to face challenges in your day-to-day life.
But why should you chant Shri Ram Raksha Strota?
What are the benefits of it?
PS: Before you read the benefits of this Strota, we urge you to read or listen to it once.
1. Freedom from the sins
The first stanza of Ram Raksha Stotra is-
Charitam Raghunathasya Shatakoti Pravistaram
Ekekamaksharam Punsam Mahapataknashanam
Ekekamaksharam Punsam Mahapataknashanam
The first stanza itself explains that the character of Shri Rama has a wide expanse and every word of Shri Ram Raksha stotra is capable of destroying all our sins. Chanting this stotra not only destroys our sins but also makes us pure, virtuous and helps us imbibe the qualities of Shri Rama.
2. Development of a strong mind
Chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra helps you retain your personal power and accept challenges. If you're struggling to be peaceful, brawling against adversities or looking for opportunities, then chanting this stotra is the ultimate remedy.
If you're a student and struggling to focus on your studies or an employee trying to work hard on a project, chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra will help you build a stronger mind and enable you to deliver productive results in your respective spheres.
3. Protection from negative energies
Shri Ram Raksha stotra is also called the 'Vajra Panjar Kavach'. We often fall under the influence of negative people (both near and far) and malefic planets (both in our natal chart and during transits). Normally Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are benefic planets, but Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are believed to be the malefic planets.
Chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra not only enhances the positive effects of the benefic planets but also neutralises the negative effects of the malefic planets. Chanting this stotra on Tuesdays and Saturdays especially cracks the negative energies of Mars and Saturn, respectively.
4. Gives enormous physical strength
Chanting Sri Ramaraksha stotra improves the health of your organs and also protects them from various injuries. Reciting Shri Ram Raksha stotra gives you enormous physical strength and helps you cope better with stress. This stotra destroys all the dangers that you might face physically.
5. Cure Diseases
In Ayurveda, an imbalance in the Tridoshas is at the root of all lethal diseases. Regular chanting of Shri Ram Raksha Stotra restores the lost balance in these three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
One suffers from some major disease, then he can chant the Stotra daily 11 times (twice) for 41 days. If the disease is severe, he may repeat the process. However, chanting 11 times is ideal but not a compulsion. If the disease is severe and he does not have the capacity to chant it 11 times, then he may recite it according to his capacity (he may also recite while lying down on his bed).
6. Enhances Wealth and Fame
Chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra adds to your wealth, fame, and abundance. Shri Rama was the king of the Raghu dynasty. His wealth and fame crossed the usual boundaries of time and the three worlds. Devotees invoke Raja Ram to receive overall success in all spheres of life.
7. Promotes Love and Happiness in Your Married Life
Marriage is an important phase in our life. A happy married life forms the basis of Grishastha-ashrama, the third stage in the system of Varna-ashrama. If your married life is tumultuous or you're going through a rough patch, reciting Ram Raksha stotra will start circulating positive energy in your life.
Chanting this stotra with complete awareness and consciousness will promote peace, love, and happiness in your domestic life. This stotra will generate a protective shield and help you prosper in your personal life.
Shri Ram Raksha Stotra has huge benefits. Chanting this stotra affects all the aspects of your life and improves your overall personality. Reciting Ram Raksha stotra will enhance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual intelligence.
You can chant this stotra on a regular basis, but if you are unable to do so (circumstantially or otherwise), you can try chanting it whenever you find time.
Chanting Shri Ram Raksha Stotra with complete conviction and trust will unleash its infinite power for you.
Conclusion #
Ram Raksha Strotam Glossary- Find out if Lord Shree Ram your Ishta Devta?- Shri Ram is the 7th Avatar of Shri Vishnu. So, you will find a similar difference in your life if you regularly recite Vishnu Sahastranam.- Shri Hanuman is the foremost devotee of Shri Ram. When you recite Hanuman Chalisa, along with Shri Ramaraksha Strotam, the goodness and positivity in your life just multiply.- Just like Shree Ram, Lord Vishnu had taken many other divine avatars and blessed us with his Leela from time to time. He is the preserver of the Universe and his Avatar governs different planets in the Kundli. Know how each avatar impacts your life.
Ram Raksha Strotam Glossary- Find out if Lord Shree Ram your Ishta Devta?- Shri Ram is the 7th Avatar of Shri Vishnu. So, you will find a similar difference in your life if you regularly recite Vishnu Sahastranam.- Shri Hanuman is the foremost devotee of Shri Ram. When you recite Hanuman Chalisa, along with Shri Ramaraksha Strotam, the goodness and positivity in your life just multiply.- Just like Shree Ram, Lord Vishnu had taken many other divine avatars and blessed us with his Leela from time to time. He is the preserver of the Universe and his Avatar governs different planets in the Kundli. Know how each avatar impacts your life.
- Find out if Lord Shree Ram your Ishta Devta?
- Shri Ram is the 7th Avatar of Shri Vishnu. So, you will find a similar difference in your life if you regularly recite Vishnu Sahastranam.
- Shri Hanuman is the foremost devotee of Shri Ram. When you recite Hanuman Chalisa, along with Shri Ramaraksha Strotam, the goodness and positivity in your life just multiply.
- Just like Shree Ram, Lord Vishnu had taken many other divine avatars and blessed us with his Leela from time to time. He is the preserver of the Universe and his Avatar governs different planets in the Kundli. Know how each avatar impacts your life.
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