Navamsa Chart: The Divisional 9th (D9) House of Zodiac Signs
We all know the natal chart is prepared by taking the birth details of a person. This chart represents the position of the planets in the sky at the time the person is born. A Birth Chart is also called Janma Kundli or Lagna Chart. Each house or Bhava as well as each zodiac sign or Rashi of the twelve houses of the birth chart covers an angle of 30 degrees. A Lagna Chart gives a gist of different facets of a native’s life. It largely focuses on his physical features and temperament. It also depicts how others perceive the native – his appearance, his family, his wealth and property, his job and career, his enemies, etc.
Now each of the 12 zodiac signs can be further divided into any number of divisions; each of the divisions being called a Varga. Each such division gives a new chart – more precise and concentrating on one particular aspect of the Birth/Lagna Chart. For example, when a zodiac sign is divided into two parts, we get the Hora Chart (D-2) which signifies wealth matters.
Likewise, when a zodiac sign is divided into 3 parts, it is called Drekkana Chart viz the D-3 Chart, which is used to study the native’s relation with his siblings in detail. And if the zodiac sign is divided into 9 parts, we get the Navmansha Chart or the D-9 chart. In this way, each sign can be divided into a number of sections, thereby creating different charts known as Divisional Charts or Varga Charts.
Of all the charts, 16 types of divisional charts are more commonly used as they cover the major and significant aspects of life such as wealth, luck, Profession, Education, etc. These sixteen charts are collectively called ShodashVarga – meaning the Sixteen Divisions. Each divisional chart represents an explicit facet of a person’s life.
What is Navmansha?
Navmansha or Navamsa consists of two words – ‘Navam’ meaning Nine and ‘Ansha’ or ‘Amsa’ meaning Division. Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac sign. Hence each Navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 min in longitude i.e. equal to one-quarter of a Nakshatra.
Navmansha chart is known by different names such as Navamsa Chart, D-9 Chart, the Ninth Harmonic Chart, etc. The essence of a Birth horoscope lies in its Navmansha chart. Navmansha chart is considered as important as the Lagna or Birth Chart; it can be said one cannot be read of them accurately without the other. D-1 chart reflects the deeds of the previous lives; while the D-9 chart represents the rewards you are likely to get due to those deeds of previous lives. In other words, it shows the actual fructification of the actual part of the total previous deeds that one is destined to face in this present life. Thus Navmansha chart analysis is necessary to testify the general predictions and temperaments of ones’ life.
Every authentic scholar of Astrology has supported the view that the Navmansha chart is very vital while analyzing the birth horoscope of a person. Right from Varahamihira in Brihat Jatak and Parashar in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastr to the late B. V. Raman, astrologers have consensually agreed that the strength and results of a planet should be judged only after a careful study of its disposition in both the Rasi Chart and the Navmansha Chart. While the D-1 chart displays possibilities and desires, the D-9 chart indicates whether such possibilities and desires shall materialize or not.
Significance of the Navmansha Chart in Kundli:
The ninth house of the birth chart represents Dharma. D-9 or Navmansha Chart delves in the detailed study of the 9th house of D-1 i.e. it indicates the ‘duty’ or the ‘Dharma’ of the native. In other words, Navmansha shows the fruits of Dharma. It specifies the Soul Purpose of the person’s life. According to the principles of Jamini, the Navmansha shows the soul nature of the native. Hence the Navmansha is also called the ‘Swamsha’.
The 9th house is also related to Luck. Hence, the Navmansha chart can also be called the Luck Chart or the Fortune Chart. The strength or weakness of the D-9 chart decides your good or adverse luck. Navmansha chart holds the force to decide your destiny. The tangible indications to the outcome of a person’s life lie in the Navmansha.
Relation between Navmansha Chart & Marital Life:
Now the question arises when Navmansha examines one’s Dharma and the fruits of one’s past Dharma, why is an analysis of the Navmansha Chart so important in the marital life of the native?
We know that the fruits of any bhava or house are seen and analyzed from the 11th house of that particular bhava or house. Thus the potentials of the 9th house or Dharma are to be analyzed from its 11th house viz the 7th house i.e. the house of marriage! So in a way, it can be said that the result of one’s Dharma manifests itself in one’s marriage and through one’s spouse.
Conclusion #
Thereby, if one wants to understand the internal interactions of marital life and the personal equation of the partners, one needs to study the divisional 9th house viz the Navmansha Chart.
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